Sacramental Preparation
Our Faith Formation journey is one in which we grow in a deeper relationship with the person of Christ and understanding of the Catholic Church. Preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation happen in addition to and separately from the scheduled Faith Formation Sessions. The young people are enrolled in the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Preparation sessions once one full year of curriculum has been completed. Children traditionally enroll in the Faith Formation Program in 1st grade and First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are generally celebrated in 2nd grade.
Young people being presented for the Sacrament of Confirmation should have attended continuous Catholic faith formation since First Holy Communion. There will be special Parent Meetings and Family/Child Preparation Sessions for all children who choose to receive the Sacraments. Notifications of Meetings and Preparation Sessions will be mailed to families at the appropriate time. Guidelines will be outlined at a Special Sacrament Preparation Parent meeting.
Enrollment in the Sacrament Preparation Program(s) (First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation) may be delayed due to excessive absences and/or missed years of attendance. “The accompaniment of a person on a journey of growth and conversion is necessarily marked by gradualness, in that the act of believing implies a progressive discovery of the mystery of God and an openness and entrustment to him that grows over time.” (Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, National Directory for Catechesis - 179)
Reconciliation & Eucharist
Here at Saint Anne’s, the preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is done in the home. ALL parish children enrolled in either a Catholic School or St. Anne Faith Formation are eligible to prepare for these sacraments in their 2nd year of instruction. If a child begins faith formation in 3rd grade, he/she would receive Reconciliation and Eucharist in 4th grade. If a child begins faith formation in 1st grade, he/she would receive Reconciliation and Eucharist in 2nd grade. Parents/guardians and children are required to attend certain sessions for each sacrament.
The preparation for the sacrament of Reconciliation begins in the fall with a meeting for parents/guardians. A family session is held several weeks later; First Reconciliation is usually celebrated in late January.
The preparation for the sacrament of Eucharist also begins with a parent/guardian meeting. A family session is held several weeks later. The children attend a Eucharist Retreat in the spring. First Eucharist is celebrated during the Easter season.
At Saint Anne Parish, our Confirmation preparation program that begins in the winter of the 7th grade; reception of Confirmation occurs in the Spring of 8th grade or Fall of 9th grade. All candidates must have completed either 8 years of faith formation or 8 years of a Catholic grammar school in order to enter the Confirmation program.
The Confirmation program involves community service (including a Advocate/Mercy Project), retreat experiences, an interview, and several Sunday night sessions during the school year.