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Frequently Asked Questions

When should my child begin attending faith formation sessions?

Children should begin attending sessions at the first grade level and continue through 8th grade or Sacrament of Confirmation

At what age or grade does a child receive First Eucharist?

Children receive First Eucharist during their 2nd year in faith formation. If a child begins faith formation in 3rd grade, he/she would receive Eucharist in 4th grade. If a child begins faith formation in 1st grade, he/she would receive Eucharist in 2nd grade. Before a child receives Eucharist, he/she receives the sacrament of Reconciliation.

How does my child prepare for these sacraments?

Preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is home-based and is separate from faith formation sessions. Adults and children are required to attend certain session for each sacrament.

When do the children receive the sacraments?

First Reconciliation is celebrated in the winter, and First Eucharist is celebrated sometime in the Easter season.

When does a child receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?

In the Newark Archdiocese, there is no set age for a child to be confirmed. At Saint Anne's, Confirmation preparation begins in the winter of 7th grade, and reception of Confirmation occurs in the spring of 8th grade or fall of 9th grade. The Confirmation program involves Works of Mercy/Advocate Projects, a retreat experience, and session time.  Also, a child must have completed either 8 years of parish faith formation or 8 years of Catholic grammar school.

What faith formation programs are available?

Saint Anne Parish offers several options:

  • Sunday morning: we meet immediately following the 9:30 am Mass until 11:50 am, grades 1 - 8.

  • Special needs class ANGELS: Tuesdays, 4:15 pm - 5 pm.

  • Family Faith/Home study: (grades 1-8) For families who wish to teach their children at home. Large group sessions for adults and children are held several times a year. Families attend a minimum of six Family Follow Up Gatherings during the course of the "academic" school year. 

  • Summer:  Sundays in June and usually last full week of June . Grades 1 - 5 meet from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm & attend daily Mass. Summer students & their families also attend a minimum of four Family Follow Up Gatherings during the course of the "academic" school year. An adult volunteer is required during the summer.

When do fall faith formation sessions begin and end?

Fall sessions begin in mid-September and are scheduled through late April. Each family is given a schedule at the beginning of the school year.

What if my child has special needs?

There is a section for special needs on both emergency cards and registration forms. Speical needs include food allergies, learning problems, and medical conditions. Please share any pertinent information with us; it will help us to better teach your child. All information will remain confidential and will only be shared with your child's catechist.

What is "Protecting God's Children", and do I need to take the workshop?

The Protecting God’s Children program for adults is a three-hour live awareness session instructing adults of the Church that to protect children you must have continuous awareness and vigilance. This awareness session makes trainees understand the signs of child sexual abuse, the methods and means by which offenders commit abuse, and five empowerment steps one can use to prevent child sexual abuse. 


In addition to participating in the workshop, all church employees—both lay and religious—and volunteers who work with children must undergo a criminal background check. In other words, all catechists, hall monitors, principals, and (adult) classroom aides must participate in this program.

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