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Faith Formation
Our goal is to work together to form a partnership dedicated to the faith formation of your child and your family. Faith Formation happens first within the family. The Rite of Baptism calls parents to commit to “raising children in the practice of the faith”, which affirms that parents are the first and most important teachers of the Catholic faith. Through this commitment, our children and families will continue to develop a greater love for God and Church and our Faith Formation programs will continue to support what goes on in the home. Besides attending Faith Formation sessions, it is essential that your family participate in Mass weekly. All these experiences give the children/family the opportunity to build their faith, grounded in God’s love, family experiences, and the witness of others and is brought to fruition as we celebrate as a parish family of faith during the Eucharist.
Registration Current News
Fall Faith Formation
Although our Faith Formation gatherings were not like the past, we evolved and grew to meet the needs of the time! There are various program options for families. We look forward to another Faith Formation Program Year that will be jam-packed with faith learning, faith discussion, Christian service, and fun! Why...because we believe in the Gospel message and know that Jesus is our best teacher! So how do you learn to know, love and serve God? Come and see what our Faith Formation program has to offer...St. Anne's is a beautiful spiritual home! Registration information will be distributed to those currently attending Faith Formation this year. Those "brand" new to our Faith Formation Program, please give us a call and we will send you the registration information. Registration for the new Program Year is generally sent out in April/May.
For more information, please give us a call at 201-791-1616
Roman Catholic News and Resources
2024 Archbishop Annual Appeal
The Annual Appeal will fund essential programs and ministries at the heart of our Catholic mission in our four counties – namely to proclaim the GOSPEL, to pass on the faith to future generations, particularly through the celebration of the sacraments, and to care for the poor and those on the margins.
To give, go to
Dignity of the Human Person
CST 101 is a 7-part video series by the USCCB and Catholic Relief Services on Catholic Social Teaching. In this video, Bishop Robert Barron, Jonathan Reyes, and Helen Alvaré discuss respect for the life and dignity of the human person.
Fr, Stephen Fichter, Vicar for Education Archdiocese Diocese of Newark co-wrote the film "Trinity's Triumph". It is available now on streaming services.
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